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[ Solved ] Something is wrong Outlook Error Fix | Windows 10

If you have been annoyed by Microsoft Outlook throwing up a "Something is Wrong with one of your data files and Outlook needs to close" error you have come to the right place. 

I don't often use Windows 10, however my friends do, and as an IT guy i get calls whenever something goes wrong. A friend of mine called up one morning and asked for help to this Outlook "Click ok to run the inbox Repair Tool" error.  Naturally i did some extensive google search and found the solution.

Here is how you can fix "Something is Wrong with one of your data files and Outlook needs to close" error.

  • Open Regedit app from the Start Menu
  • Paste the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\PST in the address text box and hit enter
  • Delete PromptRepair and LastCorruptStore keys from the displayed list ( Just right click on those and delete - ignore the warning message that pops-up - proceed with Yes )
  • Now restart your computer and Open Outlook. 
If all went well, you will have your Microsoft Outlook working properly once again. 

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